Monday, August 2, 2010

My first call to the Apple Store

As some of you might know, I am planning on buying a 13" MacBook Pro with a 2.66 GHz processor, so today I decided to call about the student discount and how many days would it take to get here.
I called the apple today around 18:15 prepared to be stuck there talking to some useless person, like in Vodafone (yeah, I hate them). Anyways, I called and had to answer some typical "press 1 if you are a student, press 4 if you like codfish..." you know, typical stuff. After 3 or 4 questions and a minute of music, I heard a voice of a guys saying with quite a cheerful voice "Welcome to the Apple store line! my name is *****! what can I help you with?" I told him my problem and, all the time being cheerful and nice, answered my questions straight to the point. In the end he told me that he was going to send me an email with all the information we discussed in case I wanted it for reference.
Wow. I mean: WOW. Really, why can't other companies copy this? I am sure it's not hard being nice on the phone! Vodafone (¬¬) lines are always answered by useless people that have NO IDEA what they're talking about and always answer inappropriately. People, learn from Apple.

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