Thursday, September 17, 2009

Google Wave

You know what? I love Google. Really. They are one of the most awesome company in the world. Now they have showed us they are one of the key companies that will make the future of the internet something incredible, by developing Google Wave.

Google Wave is a new Web-based platform intended to be “What email would look like if it were reinvented today” and they pretty much did it again! watch the video for more detailed info (its 1 hour and 20 minutes, but is REALLY worth watching)

Google Wave Preview

If you don’t feel like it, you can always check their sneak preview site.

I can’t wait ‘till this is out!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Most beautiful video ever

I had this sent to me via Tuenti (Spanish Facebook), with the following text:

Hay padres que además de ir a ver a sus hijos a ver como toca el saxofon o la fauta o.... hacen otras cosas....

El hijo le preguntó a su padre, 'Papá, formarias parte en el maratón conmigo? El padre respondió, si'

Fueron al maratón y lo completaron juntos. Padre e hijo fueron juntos a otros maratones, el padre siempre decía 'si' a las
solicitudes de su hijo de ir juntos en las carreras. Un día, el hijo le preguntó a su padre, ' Papá, vamos a participar juntos en el 'Ironman' ' El padre le dijo si tambien.

El triatlón Ironman abarca un 2,4 millas ( 3,86 kilómetros ) nadando en los océanos, seguida por una 112 millas (180,2 kilometros) paseo en bicicleta, y terminando con un 26,2 millas (42,195 kilometros) maratón a lo largo de la costa de Big Island.

Which, in English, is pretty much the following:

There are parents that instead of going to see their kids play saxophone or the flute….they do other stuff…

The son asked his dad: “Dad, would you run the marathon with me? The father answered yes”

They went and finished it together, father and son went together to other marathons and dad would always say “yes” to his son’s requests of running together. one day the son asked his dad “Dad, lets participate together in the ‘Ironman’” to which he also agreed.

The Ironman triathlon consist of 3.86 kilometers swimming the oceans, followed by 180.2 kilometers biking and finishing with 42.195 kilometers) marathon along the coast of Big Island.

Now watch the video:


So, what do you think? Isn’t this post’s title the most appropriate?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Augmented reality on mobile devices

Seems like Nvidia (all hail) has released a new and very powerful mobile device that allows good graphics and a 800x600 screen resolution. not only that but has an incorporated cam! so it was only a matter of time before geeks took matters into heir own hands, and this is what came out: a augmented reality Zombie-killing game. AWESOME!

Incredible isn’t it? well, if you look in the related video section you will find the next video with a software built for a more affordable device, an Android phone:

Dutch testing of course :D

So what do you guys think? is this going to end up in some future where we all have glasses with this augmented reality thing?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Madrid and Uni!

OK guys I’m back to Madrid! (weeee)

 CHOE aereoAfter one week here (yeah, sorry I didn’t post anything) I finally started with my classes in my Bachelor's Degree in Communication System Engineering (Bolonia adaptation of Telecommunications engineering: communication systems) yesterday, well actually today. My opinion? this doesn’t seem all THAT hard… but it’s the first day, its supposed to be easy

yes, I had calculus I (easy stuff, just reminders of IB and absolute values (uuuuhhhh, scaaaary), but nothing really impressive. Programming was really funny because the teacher’s PC wouldn’t work, so we started with this ALICE thing, which was more like a 3D Flash than a programming language. anyways the teacher said we will be starting Java soon (yesh!)

At any rate, I’m FAR more motivated that I’ve ever been with business management and I swear I’ll pass all my subjects… ALL! (Isidoro, the bet is still on), I’m gonna prove that I can freakin’ do it, although most people seem not to believe it.

You’ll see…Can't stop thinking cartoon