Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cadiz 2010

I didn't actually think that I'd end up posting this a month later, but that's life.
Well, here are some of the pictures I took with my (again) crappy HTC Touch Diamond They are not much but sort of reflect the incredible place I got to be for 5 days.
On August 11th we took of from Ronda to Cadiz for a few days of holidays. My parents were to stay there for 10 days and I got to stay for 5 since I had to be in Madrid on august 16th for Santoña summer camp.
And it was fun... well not really fun, it was more relaxing and doing nothing at all for 5 days. wake up, breakfast, beach, lunch, beach, shower, dinner, bed and start again.
Would have been better with friends though. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back online!

Wow, It really has been a lot of time since I last updated this, but oh well, here I am!
Its been a great month (almost) since I last updated: I went to Cadiz fo 5 days, then to Santoña until the 30th and in Madrid since that (uni started on Sept 6th)
I'll try to write a post about it with more detail, specially about Santoña, other than that, not much else to say!
hope you all had a great summer!