Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wonderful afternoon at university

Although we should be studying, taking 1 hour after lunch for relaxing can't do any harm, Here are some pics of some of lying in the grass on a sunny afternoon.

Posted via email from Juanlu's posterous

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jornadas Deportivas 2010

Same as last year, on the third Saturday of April we have the Sports games in my residence!
This has been going on for a quite a few years now (for me its the third one) and it mainly consists on us calling all students dorms around Spain and having them playing Soccer, Basketball, Running and some other games against all of us.
I guess you can imagine all the organizing this requires.
This year around 500 people showed up overall for the games. 300 from other cities in Spain and around 200 from Madrid alone. all 300 that came from outside Madrid had to sleep in our residence so we brought 300 mattresses and bed for all of them. We also had to take care of the food and all other necessities.
It all started on Friday, when everyone from outside Madrid came and we had to show them around, give them info and so on... the thing is that this year we were only 3 people to greet them all, the rest were partying outside. Oh well... then we gave all the T-shirts and everything and while everyone went partying (again) I went to bed (soooo tired).
On Saturday we all woke up at 08:00 to have some breakfast and get started with the whole thing, which began with the rising of the Spanish flag and ended around 23:00 with a super-awesome concert by some of the musicians we have living with us.
Overall it was an awesome day, I had lots of fun and I hope to see you in 2011!

Posted via email from Juanlu's posterous