Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My new MacBook Pro and iPod touch!

It's here! finally!
Well, to be honest it actually arrived on the 9th, but I've been a little busy getting used to it so I didn't post anything before.
Attached you can all se some of the pictures of the unboxing. At first I thought of making a video, but I guess I was so nervous I completely forgot, and by the time I had it open it was too late. I guess you can all live without it.
Ok, so for those that don't know, I ordered a 13" MacBook Pro (2.66 GHz) with an iPod Touch a few days ago from the apple store. The story is here. Anyways it finally arrived and opened it and before even turning it on, I turned it over and opened the lid to change the HDD to a 500 Gb SATA disk instead of the 320 HDD that came with it, which means that after the mechanics were done, I had to format it and install OSX from scratch (which was, in my opinion, dead easy) and iLife from the other DVD that came with the laptop.
After a few days playing with it I finally managed to get used to the keyboard and interface, here are the things I like and I don't-like-so-much:
  • Things I love:
  • The UI: Simple, useful and smooth, everything fits and everything works like its supposed to.
  • Trackpad: synaptics has a looong way to go if they wan't to catch up
  • Virtual Machines and bootcamp: great way to have Windows 7 and Linux all in one. Works perfectly.
  • Things I like:
    • The keyboard: different but quite confortable to use, specially the F keys
    • The DVD reader/writter: instead of clicking a button on the side for a plastic thing to pop out, you simply insert it in a hole and everything is done inside.
    • Adium: the closest thing in Windows/Linux is pidgin, and it's still far from adium
    • Many, many more
  • Things I don't like:
    •  Small little things, like iTunes not syncing properly my calendars to the iPod and so on.
  • Things I hate:
    • USB: TWO USBs? and they're SO close together almost no pendrive or thick USB fits with anything else
    • Audio Jack: Just one? I know Apple has this system where mic and speakers are together, but this is such a pain... I definitely do NOT like that at all
    • Were-is-my-Delete-key? and no, command-backspace doesn't work for me.
    Anyways, hate aside, it's totally worth it, both the MacBook and the iPod Touch.


    1. Welcomed mac life :). You will see how from now on everything is much more easy, at least if you stop opening your gadgets :P, there's nothing interesting there, just use them the proper way.

    2. wow, you pervert!!!! poor computer... you posted naked pictures of her... you should be ashamed!!
