Monday, August 2, 2010

Another Summer day

Here I am, another summer day, exactly like yesterday, exactly like the day before (and so on).
I haven't updated in quite a while now, but that's mainly because there is not much to update. I'm now in Ronda, Malaga, Spain for a few days (and I'll be here for 10 more), at home. Even though it's really nice coming back home, seeing your parents after so many months and so on, there is a little problem that kind of makes this a less pleasant stay. I don't know anyone here so I stay home most of the time online, watching One Piece, playing Civilization IV or modelling my website.
So that's all I get to do until August 11th, when I go to Cadiz for 5 days and then to Santoña (Summer Camp).
I hope you are all having a great summer!

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